
An ad for an ad blocker... Ironic

  • 2
    soundcloud is free? lol
  • 4
    @heyheni It's got a paid version, right?

    Last time I used it, the songs for major artists were only previews of the full song.
  • 1
    If you think about it, it's the best targeted marketing out there.
  • 2
    Not ironic at all, it is still software and that id instagram, there are no adblockers for any ad outside of a browser.

    You could have a network level adblocker, but Instagram add come from instagram.com so that would not work either.

    Anyway, that adblocker seems to be a proxy, be careful who you trust.
  • 3
    Adblocker doesn't enable scrubbing on Spotify or choosing a specific song but okay
  • 1
    @AlgoRythm Shhhh the idiots they're targeting with this ad don't know that lol
  • 0
    Neil deGrasse Tyson: *We ArE HiTtInG pArAdOx LeVeLs ThAt ShOuLdN't eVeN bE pOsSiBle *
  • 0
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