
Bad thing: I spilled booze on my fabrics yet again. I probably shouldn't drink from the couch or the bed anymore.
Good thing: I found out how to disassemble my tablet and removed its cameras.
Bad thing: front cam couldn't be removed without damaging some traces for a coax connection.
Bad thing: during disassembly I noticed significant amounts of corporate "fuck you" and certified enganeering. Like allowing the rubber back plates of the tablet to come off, but not get back on without percussive maintenance!!! FUCKING CERTIFIED PIECES OF SHIT!!!
Good thing: even after a lot of Tappy-tap-tap, the tablet still works without a problem. Hopefully I can now save some others from the shitstains by posting about it on the XDA thread 🤔

Overall verdict: FUCK!!!

  • 3
    Lol You + booze + couch don't mix.
    Just buy a cape for the couch already... a waterproof one, and you can keep drinking while bench watching
  • 4
    @GyroGearloose hmm, a waterproof couch condom.. not a bad idea actually! And perhaps I could even build that into my existing one. Would a couple of layers of plastic for keeping food fresh (not sure what it's called in English, but it's "vershoudfolie" in Dutch) be able to keep a 50-60kg drunken fool from ripping cuts into the plastic layer.. who knows? :D
  • 1
    @Condor Hum... for what it would cost ya... just buy a real cover.
    You get colors and patterns and can pick one that looks good on a house.
    Tight it and you can barely know it's a cover.
    They cost like 20€ for a good one, 10€ for a cheap one.
  • 2
    I guess the tablet didn't have guarantee anymore
  • 2
    @JKyll in terms of software, it's been rooted so warranty void.. and now in terms of hardware as well with clear entrance marks all over the back and sides. Not that I intend to put this into an RMA anyway. It's proven itself to be working well (except for Wi-Fi and Bluetooth but that could be due to Android hiccups and even if it's hardware issue, might be possible to resolve).. and originally this tablet only cost me something like €160, so there's that. There's quite a few corporate FU's, but I don't think that this is a bad tablet. I've seen worse devices, especially when you get into the meat of them. This one.. cheap, but decent in a half-assed way. And as per my usual policy, once I get into her, she's mine and mine only. No resale, warranty claims or anything like that. Once I get into her, I am my own warranty.
  • 3
    @GyroGearloose well i think they mix really well. So well that booze not come off
  • 3
    @goamk hahaha, good point XD
    Fortunately I was able to get the moisture gone with salt just like previously, and discoloration removed with a turpentine/hydrogen peroxide solution. Spraying it on there and letting it chooch for a while did the trick :)
  • 1
    @Condor You could really completely remove a wine stain?
    Man, good for you :D
  • 2
    Offtopic, but "enganeer" is the best typo ever
  • 2
    @Condor those last bits tho 😂 so sexual
  • 3
    @DutulescuRemus the thing is, it's not a typo 😜
    @JKyll SJW's hate it! 🤣
  • 2
    @Condor rape culture *triggered*
    The last "change my mind" was fucking hilarious
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