Sometimes I really fucking hate this company

The code is an absolute shitshow filled with static classes, untestable and duplicate code, on top of that my boss doesn’t like open source

Yeah so i’m not allowed to use a mapping library or something because “Uhhh like uhh we don’t have a contract with the company so who knows what’ll happen when the maintainers leave the project”
I understand his reasoning but it’s an absolutely retarded reasoning especially considering most of the .NET platform is open source nowadays

Writing a webapp from scratch now as well and I HAVE to use vanilla javascript and AngularJS 1.5 even though all the developers here told me they would like to upgrade to Typescript and Angular 2+ but it’s never gonna happen I suppose

Oh and he doesn’t like TDD and our only product is SAAS so imagine the amount of bugs being pushed simply because we don’t have time to write tests or even manually test, let alone refactor our horseshit codebase

AND i have to pay for gas myself which takes 200€ out of my bank account a month just for driving to work whilst I’m only getting a mediocre pay

Have a job interview tomorrow and another one on tuesday

  • 2
    Chist, I wouldn't wish this upon my worst enemies. Let's hope your next interview goes well!
  • 1
    Good luck fren
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  • 6
    Are you me? 🤔
    I work in a very similar environment. SAAS asp.net (vb) application. The code was original classic asp and has been around since I was in kindergarten.

    The developers did a .NET "rewrite" before I started. It's very clear they had no idea how to leverage the features offered by the new language and 90% of the application logic (including database access) is coded directly on the pages.

    I've been here for 5 years and tried persuading my boss to at least let us write new code better (SOLID principles) and at least two of us have been. But recently we've been told our code is too confusing and would rather us do things the old way.

    We dont go crazy with over engineering or anything. Mostly just good naming and the single responsibility principle. I think the biggest thing is half our development team just doesn't understand nor do they want to learn object oriented programming with .NET
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