One thing I will never be able to stop is asking "why" if somebody tells me "X doesn't work", even though every second asshole takes it literal and tells me "I don't know why it doesn't work", instead of just mentally giving it a second and telling "why it doesn't work" by showing a screenshot or a message, because that's more likely what I meant.

  • 6
    No matter how many times I ask for the logs, no one ever just includes the logs with their problems. Even when I added it as a step to fill out a report.
  • 6
    I call it "client syndrome".
    If an instruction is shown in big, red, bold letters in front of their fucking eyes, there is an 85% chance they will not read it.
    These fucking arsewipes...
  • 4
    @PonySlaystation I don't think I can even count the times I've included the most important step as big, bold and even sometimes if possible first step, always skipped.
  • 3
    I got it even worse because when I get a bug report from the field, there are no logs. Instrumenting the stuff so that logs can be taken is a tedious process and usually not done because I'm expected to find the problem without logs.
  • 3
    I've run into a staggering percentage of people who have nearly zero reading comprehension.

    They glean, at most, half of the nouns in the text and a couple of verbs. Everything else is completely lost on them.
  • 1
    My usual response to that question is “How exactly, of all the ways that thing can not work, does that thing not work?”
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