First and last time I used tinder, the guy figured that I know sOmeThIng aBoUt Co_0mpUters and asked me to fix some stuff on his website. I can't complain, it was the least boring part of this "date". And free coffee.

  • 26
    Did you just get techsupport-zoned? xD
  • 12
    Just keep tindering, but search for devs. The dates will still be boring, but the projects much cooler. :-)
  • 12
    @Awlex lmao......he just got dumbassclient-zoned
  • 8
    @jase I never thought I'd find a fellow dev on devrant 😮
  • 1
    He is a specific type of idiot.
  • 3
    "because every technologist is tech support"
  • 2
    @Condor A True statement according to muggles.
  • 2
    @HRT-713 Unfortunately it is... Can't wait for the day that people will realize that there's various subsections in technology, just like there are in any science. But that probably won't happen in my lifetime, because "that magic technology is too complicated anyway". And Google's, Facebook's, Apple's, Microsoft's, Twitter's, <insert tech brand>, … products unfortunately only exacerbate it, by continuously dumbing shit down to the point where everything is abstracted away, in favour of what.. one, or if we're lucky a couple of stupid buttons and Blinkenlights? That's what I'd define as a kid's toy.
  • 1
    @Condor The fact that people are getting stupider isn't helping, my classmates always assume that because I'm a programmer every app such as powerpoint and excel, I immediately know everything about, while they have no correlation whatsoever, or when they want me to fix their laptops and phones, I mean sometimes I can, sonetimes I can't, depends on the damn problem.
  • 4
    @HRT-713 also "You're using that thing where you type in commands, a turminel! YOU ARE A HACKER!!! Hey hey, can you hack my boyfriend's Facebook account for me? You can do that, right? Because every hacker knows how to hack Facebook, it's elementary!"
  • 1
    @Condor Those exact people I think should be sterilized because I can't imagine anything good coming from their replication.
  • 6
    Hello there, im Jessica. I live at Anonymous proxy like you. Do you want to fuck to night?
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