
Some people say that they've built something with blood, sweat and tears. They've clearly never built anything serious. If they did, they'd know that it costs that, an unholy amount of alcoholic beverages to account for the crippling depression caused by the inevitable failures, and a shitton of cursing. FUCK!!

  • 9
    Blood. Sweat. Booze. Swearing. Bitches. Sex.

    3 * (B+S) = Success 😏
  • 7
    Non alcoholics are non serious devs?
  • 4
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  • 1
    What if I build sth serious but am not allowed to drink?
  • 1
    @BlackSparrow @epse @Jilano
    My bad.. I was tired.
  • 3
    @Jilano unfortunately I can't.. 4 hours of sleep is all I'm getting for today 😥
    Except that the motherfucker that I supposedly had an appointment with didn't bother showing up.. how difficult can it be to send a fucking text - even in the morning - so that I could've just gotten my ass back to sleep?! I really don't get people sometimes.
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