
Honestly, i hate math or actually i hate that i suck at it. I graduated CS and if u put a math problem any bit more advanced than basic linear equations i will turn red. I wish i was good at it. I think if i was, id be able to do much more cool shit because combining math and the ability to control a computer basically makes you a demi god.

If i had some free time i’d love to go over the basics on khan academy or something. But free time doesnt come by a lot coz we’re too busy trying to make money and id rather just rest and chill when it does.

Tho if a cute girl offered to tutor me in that free time i’d definitely say yes 🧐

  • 1
    @irene still very impressive. I always believed Majoring in math is the hardest thing anyone could possibly do in academia.
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    @irene i expected something like "applied math graduate here - I can tutor you" but i guess my imagination just reached a new high lmao
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    @irene if you meant abstract algebra and category theory and all that, I actually find that easier than applied maths (diff equations and all). Eh, preferences.
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    I know the feeling. I've corrected course however. I've started reading and understanding math. The issue i feel is finding the right books. It takes time, but when you do find the right book everything seems simple and logical.
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    At least you *know* that you suck at it.
    A former coworker of mine didn't and came up with some hilarious bullshit, he looked like a stand-up comedian mocking the academic world.
    He got through his Uni tests, because his profs daughter was his fiance.
    Guess what? That asshole dumped her the moment he got his degree.
  • 2
    I feel your pain. I suck(ed) at math too. But there are techniques that work and are really helpful. One of the most important things is truly understanding. You can get there by being sure that you understand every single step you take when doing math. Then, be able to do it again from memory, no cheating allowed! That will create the required neuro networks in your brain which leads to understanding. Long story short: take the 'Learning how to learn' course on coursera. It will definitely help you. I failed one of my math exams, didn't look at that for a half year and just took the (completely different) exam again and I passed! It is truly amazing how learning the proper way makes you understand and remember tough subjects.
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    the level of maths that makes you a semi god isn't what khan academy could deliver.
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    PDEs aren't evil but just expensive to solve due to too many D.O.Fs
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    Partial Differential Equations...Degrees of Freedoms xD
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    @Gaveuxifort any books you’d recommend?
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    which topic?

    Also the question is likely to be closed due to duplication on stack exchange ;)
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    @Gaveuxifort i really wanna understand graphics more so maybe linear algebra ?
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    False my friend, there is always a way to do it, do not blame time, job or any other shit! you know this already.

    And yes, math is complicated, I've got many certifications and learned by myself multiple programming languages, I used to consider myself a genius, silly me; As soon as I started with the book 'Introduction to Algorithms' I noticed I'm stupid as fuck, then, after much research and efforts, I switched to a more basic book 'Concrete Mathematics A Foundation of Computer Science', and now I feel even more stupid, that is really heavy shit and every paragraph has to be read multiple times to be completely understood.

    So, yeah, you're not the only one, and even when I'm doing it slowly(because it requires all your attention) I think I'm starting to see some progress.

    Is like any sport, you just need to practice and practice, mastering comes from repetition and passion.

    Keep going.
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    I don't know the maths contents you need for graphics but I guess you do a lot of vector and matrix operations? I think any undergrad level linear algebra shall do tbh I never used a textbook during my undergrad.. so I'm not the best person to ask for. Just checking, do you need geometry and topology?
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    Have your read Numerical Recipes? That's my favourite :)
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