Soo... What's with the HTTP:GET payload? Rfc allows it but libraries implemebting it - don't. Anyone knows why are libs not following specs?

  • 2
    Just my hunch (and probably a wrong one), but maybe it's fairly new and wasn't available when the frameworks were developed? And when it did become available, a case of "if it ain't broken, don't fix it"? 🤔
  • 4
    Why would you send data with a GET request anyway? 🤔

    POST/PUT/PATCH Are there for a reason.
  • 2
    @olback i know the good practices. But it shouldn't mean "rfc? Fuck it, I know better - I'll do it my way"
  • 1
    @olback just curious.. What method would you use for getByFilter()? :) it's not a _write_ method in any way. It's a get... Just with a payload containing filter criteria.

    P.S. HEAD payload is also disallowed...
  • 2
    Happened to me with DELETE. It can have a payload, but some libraries don't implement it, and some servers even ignore it. GET and DELETE should get all the information required from the url they use.
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    I think its more about convention and verb. GET refers to query something be it with a payload or query string
  • 0
    @netikras GET Parameters? I don't really know what you're making.
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