
I'm kind of triggered by all these social media posters and SEO optimizers and "wordpress developers", it's one of the oldest internet scam "jobs" in my eyes where anyone can do what they are doing, yet somehow they are getting paid absurd amounts of money for who knows what. I'm just triggered by how much these people get away with. And stupid ass "companies" that I see all over first google results whose pricing starts from 5k and they're resumes are stock unmodified fucking wordpress themes that cost 39-59 bucks. WHAT THE FUCK. I just want to make a huge wave about this, this is straigh up scaming people. I couldn't live with myself if I would charge this amounts of money for installing a fucking wordpress theme and uploading a few photos. Are you kidding me. And seo scammers? is writting a 200 word essay with fucking yoast seo optimisation worth a few hundred? IS IT?

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    I don't like it either, but it's the free market providing I guess. If there's a need for a product, it shall be fulfilled
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    @dontPanic it's still bullshit. Almost all of the "learn to earn a lot of money online quickly" guides show people "social marketing" and "wordpress developing".
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    I feel you man.
    My country is full of them who can upload a theme though they cannot even configure it properly and are digitally looting other people.
    They know single buzzword only, " SEO ".
    They've never heard of site design, back-end mechanics or usability.
    They'll charge you in thousands of USDs.
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    @dontPanic what's happening here is that there is need for a product, but these scammers only pretend to fulfill it while they actually don't. Free market is one thing, fraud another.
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    @Fast-Nop true
    @pionell also true
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    My friend is a wp dev and 5 k for a complete business page is acceptable. I would not do it for less.
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    @noogli wp sites are a scam, 90% of them have unmodified theme and nothing more done to them. What are you providing your client for 5k?
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    A modified theme :D
    Also meetings, setup, teaching how to use etc
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    @noogli thats not worth 5k. Any fool witha few hours on youtube can do that. Don't you feel guilty at all when taking the money?
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    Why should I, I have an hourly rate and if I spend 50h on something I want to get paid for it. In my country the usual rate for webdev is 80€ per hour.
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    @pionell If an inhouse training course for actual usage is included, 5k isn't much. Imagine the chaos untrained non-tech users would wreak. Besides, remember that their working time is also paid so that it's expensive to spare the training and force them to google shit, each on his own.
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    @noogli where are you from if you don't mind me asking? My rate is 10€/hr amd thats pretty high in my country
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    @pionell we are talking business hours so it's not 1:1 in employee hours as an employee I also only earn 15€
    I'm from Austria btw
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    @noogli i'm charging this freelance, my employee hour is around 1/3 of that
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