The degree to which I take security seriously would probably make Ed Snowden shit his pants.

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    @Jilano 🧐
  • 12
    I can't figure out whether this means that you take it seriously or not at all...
  • 8
    @linuxxx I shred and burn thrice-encrypted discs after using them. That should answer the question.
  • 4
    @Jilano Yes, and the noise isn't that bad.
  • 5
    Trust me, EdSnowden won`t shit his pants because of you...

    He has a "Level" at least.
  • 3
    I am not a huge fan of encryption but I do encrypt WHAT SHOULDN'T BE NAMED (IN PUBLIC)
  • 5
    Maximum level of privacy and security: living in the woods with bears and wolves as body guards.
  • 2
    @linuxxx that what I though too
  • 1
    @JavaPorn it doesn't support my hardware 😥
  • 1
    @hell ikr, if you want security (from humans) you could just leave any tech and society behind and start growing crops and hunting for food. Maybe this level of sec would impress Snowden.
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