+ Extinction of Java
+ More frameworks for JavaScript
+ Extinction of Vue (Please)

  • 2
    Is it just me or does vue sound somehow dirty? >D
  • 0
    @netikras really dirty
  • 4
    You were correct! Official statistics show that 531 more Javascript frameworks have been created since you wrote this post ;)
  • 8
    Why do you want Vue to die? It's awesome
  • 0
    @DawidCyron It's apples and oranges, you might be comfortable with it, but for me, it's monkey code.
  • 2
    @nothappy Any explanation? It's quite a bold statement...
  • 1
    I'm honestly interested in way you dislike vue?
  • 1
    @joykill @ScriptCoded yeah! me too, I just can figure it out that framework. Given that I'm in a state where "You hate what you don't understand", But I do not hate Vue, I just don't get the concept of it
  • 1
    @nothappy fair enough I guess ^^
  • 1
    The only thing that's going to happen soon for sure is the creation of more JS frameworks.

    I find Vue better than react and angular and it has a big community with many tools surrounding it. So even if some don't like it (for whatever the reason is) it's not going to vanish until something significantly better shows up.
  • 0
    @lucaspar can't believe you're among those < 2.3 % (I checked stats) who actually use Vue
  • 1
    @nothappy serious projects tend to favor angular and react over others because they're backed by big companies (not that this guarantees anything at all in practice).

    I'm not listing the good points here, you can check any article comparing js frameworks for that, but Vue is a pretty good option and the number GitHub stars vouch for that.
  • 1
    @nothappy people like you make me want to leave devrant. Show us your GitHub and maybe then we can talk about code/design and what is good /bad!!
  • 2
    @anekix my point of view offended you, awwww
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