Switching to macOS was an entry to paradise.

I go to Windows only to play Call of Duty. It’s crap and always will be.

P.S no comments on Linux.

  • 3
    @irene imagine doing both
  • 5
    What are those tags for? XD
    Also pls don't insult the glorious GNU+Linux, it hurts my feelings
  • 1
    @dontPanic I respect Linux! It’s the best thing happened over many years of human evolution
  • 0
    OS agnostic here: windows have a linux subsystem now, so you can use all your tools there.
  • 2
    Wow. I had to use a Mac for the last 2.5 years and have been miserable the entire time. I don't have a love of Windows, but using OS X has me missing Windows Vista. I have had so many glitches and issues that I have to restart my laptop every other day.
  • 2
    Linux comment: You could probably play CoD on Linux now, as there are efforts by Valve to bring Windows-only games to Linux. They call it Steam Play. It uses Proton (Open Source Project by Valve) which is a collection of different Wine-related technologies.

    Related links:
    Announcement: https://steamcommunity.com/games/...

    Source Code: https://github.com/ValveSoftware/...

    Unofficial Compatibility Database: http://spcr.netlify.com
  • 2
    I've tried macos the past few months but I don't trust the system and I WANT TO CHANGE HOW THE FUCKING SYSTEM LOOKS.

    Nope, it's definitely not for me.
  • 2
    @linuxxx the worst thing for me in MacOS is the total lack of possibility of changing your wm! That's fucking ridiculous
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