The only fair punishment 😈
(from r/ProgrammerHumor)

  • 26
    Same punishment should go for accepting your own answer on stack overflow.
  • 7
    Fair !
  • 13
    It's not fair at all

    He doesn't even remotely suffer at all!
  • 34
    @theMaintainer why is that? If noone bothered answering and OP figured out the solution and posted it as an answer. Why accepting it as a correct answer such a bad thing to do?
  • 2
    That's a clean death without suffering.

    I would have ripped up his system and made him burn everything piece by piece 😈

    And then kill him 😁
  • 7
    @theMaintainer hey I do that shit all the time. Especially so when no one fucking bothered to answer or comment on my question and I spent days figuring that shit out on my own. At least this gives others that have a similar problem some semblance of hope in the future
  • 9
    @theMaintainer I honestly love the people who acknowledge problems they know the solution to, so they post the question just to immediately post the answer. Means I get my answer nice and quick and easy.
  • 7
    Yeah, really struggling to see what's wrong with accepting your own answer on Stackoverflow? What if it's, y'know, the right answer..?
  • 1
    Titsmcgee. Wow.
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