
I started reading Armada just after finishing Ready Player One. It feels refreshing.

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    @irene Armada is another book from Ready Player One author Ernest Cline. It's about an alien invasion.
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    @irene I read it halfway and pause till now 🤔
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    @irene Torchlight?
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    @irene nah I paused it since like March 😆

    @delc82 PC game I am playing lately 😁
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    Armada is nice! =)
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    Made the 'mistake' of finishing Stephen King's Dark Tower series and immediately started Ready Player One (back before the movie came out). Story was OK, dialog between characters was beyond infuriating. Found myself almost shouting "Talk like an adult!!". Big, big difference in writing styles/story telling ability.
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    @PaperTrail but they are not adults 🤔
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    @PaperTrail You do know they are all teenagers, right...?
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    @PrivateGER @cursee

    I even think my grade school age nieces and nephews can carry a better conversation than the 'teenage' characters in the book. Book/story was good...movie was terrible Almost wish they had anyone besides Spielberg in charge. Maybe someone who actually read the book. That would have been nice.
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    @PaperTrail do you know how teenagers are talking right now on internet? Like on Reddit and Facebook?

    Imagine the future where VR is really that advanced. 😁
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    Yes. I was in charge of our local teen homeshool group. About a dozen extremely high achievers. My son (not a teenager anymore, he just turned 20) is a senior in college. My daughter will soon be a teenager reads way above her current grade level and is already taking high school level math.

    I suppose my interactions with teenagers are probably different than most.

    VR is already getting pretty darn close. Where technology is going, maybe we can stop wasting the millions of tax dollars on building (and maintaining) these new, massive school campuses.

    VR goggles/headset, fiber connection...done. Social interactions? That's what the outside is for (parks, etc) and where my tax money could be better spent.
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    Yes, all the actors were top notch. For the dismal script, they all did the best with what they had. The actor who played Halliday *nailed* it at the end. His face and tone as he said "Thank you for playing my game" ...wow. Waaay more impact that the lame crying and 'I love you' nonsense between Parzival and Art3mis after the lamer car chase. Sorry Spielberg, that was lame even for you...read the book again. If you still want a car chase...read the book again and while he's busy reading, someone please let Quinton Tarantino redo it. At least he could get the dialog right and nail the pop culture references.
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