  • 6
    Touché! A very important lesson to know as early as possible.
  • 3
    Oh this is so true for so many things/services out there (although also opinion-based)
  • 1
    I mean, isn't Javascript extremely popular though?

    I'll drop an unpopular, exceptionally brilliant technology name for you: perl.
  • 0
    @CoffeeNcode But that can also be opinion-based again :) (take Google or Facebook for example)
  • 6
    Popular != bad as well
  • 1
  • 4
    Urgent != Critical
  • 4
    To be fair to some popular things that i think are good (like The Beatles for example) i would type it like that:

    popular != alwaysGood;
  • 3
    Python != Good 😎
  • 2
    @CoffeeNcode @musician @ilikeshred I meat exactly that. It can be a subset, but there's lots of shit we have to deal with just because it is popular!
  • 1
    @bahua Yeah JS is popular as hell... And it's really bad for the most part.

    Ps. Js was the motivation behind the rant!
  • 1

    Yeah, not a fan, myself.
  • 1
    I started with JS after being a backend dev for a while, and I didn’t have a lot of difficulties. Most of the hate stems from lack of knowledge (i.e. of course [1] == [1] is false in JS, the fuck do you expect?), or from using frameworks written by people with lack of deeper knowledge of programming... it’s frustrating for sure at times, but I recognize that’s because I’m used to a different programming mindset.
  • 0
    @piehole Don't get me wrong, I have no issues with the syntax. Infact Js excels in web frontend. The problem is with overrated frameworks like NodeJs, React Native etc. They really suck when it comes to performance!
  • 1
    @DangerousDev of course react native is gonna suck in performance; it’s not a competitor for perf. And Node? If you compare it to Python or Ruby, afaik, it comes out on top, doesn’t it?
  • 0
    Cheers, don't use '==' and '+' when there are other alternatives (such as concat). Problem solved. Basically, you're angry it doesn't work like you want it to work. The solution is simple--find the JS solution to the problem, don't look for a Java solution, or a Python solution, or whatever else (if you're coding in JS, that is). You wouldn't expect Haskell to work the same as C++, would you...
  • 0
    @atomicTurtle use python, can confirm.
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