
I'm so tired of so many fucking articles about millennials this and millennials that. Like holy fuck millennial has to be the journalism equivalent of AI or block chain.

  • 8
    If journalists wanted to describe exhaustively how much Millennials suck, 90% of the internet porn would have to be deleted to gather enough storage for the required amount of articles.
  • 13
    @Fast-Nop Half of it isn't even negative stuff though. It's just shit like

    "What Tuesday's election means for millennials."

  • 10
    Don't you just love the "Millennials are killing this random industry" shit? Is my favorite.
  • 2
    I find that this is mostly from US news outlets. I suggest you try to find others, but I understand how it might be hard considering your current location.
  • 4
    @Jilano The one that triggered the rant was on Snapchat lol

    I tried to block all those shitty "news" stories because they're likely as credible as a PBS documentary for kids, but the little shits still creep into my feed.

    There's some news sources, Huffington Post for example, that are basically a blog. I avoid those.

    Hell I avoid the news as much as possible lol. I read articles on a few local news sites and that's about it. If something catches my attention on a national or global level, then I'll look into the story.
  • 1
    @Stuxnet Yeah, I feel you
    The news must be in the top 3 for sress factors...
  • 3
    @davenall GenXers are convinced that Zs are also Millennials, so they take these stories about literal children as proof positive that an entire population of twenty- and thirty- somethings don't deserve a proper adulthood.
  • 0
    Don't forget all the devRant users that rip into millennials. Seems like there's a post or comment about it every other day or so.
  • 1
    You know I really wouldn't be surprised if some of those devRant users ripping into millennials are themselves millennials but they just don't realize it.
  • -1
    Millennials are root cause of everything that’s wrong on this world just because people don’t call labeling generations of people racism.
  • 3
    @vane Because generation based labels doesn't have shit to do with race....

    Not to mention the stereotypical millennial everything is about is almost always white, and as we all know, you can't be racist towards white people!
  • 0
    @vane that's exactly why duck typed languages suck - you get type bugs. Race and age are incompatible types.
  • 1
    @Stuxnet but still labeling people sucks so much.

    It starts from very beginning when you’re born, then school prefix labels and on the streets all the time many people label everyone they see.

    It’s like living on the production line with constant quality control taking place (watching matrix right now).
  • 2
    @vane It's gonna happen. It's merely how the labels are used that determines if it's good or bad.
  • 0
    @vane of course labelling people sucks. After all, everyone is a special snowflake. ^^
  • 0
    @Fast-Nop depends how you define your types. Every type has its definition somewhere.
  • 0
    @Stuxnet There is no good or bad, there is just time and place where people live and then when they die and can’t defend themselves other people judge their way of living and teach young that it was bad or good, still it’s very subjective and changes over time.
  • 0
    @vane How old are you? Caucasian! Uhm, yeah, sure the program has no logic error here. Makes totally sense.
  • 0
    @Fast-Nop well I make mistakes all the time cause I am only human
  • 1
    @vane So labelling someone a hero for doing good deeds is bad? Or labelling someone that makes an excellent medical breakthrough a genius is bad? Well I guess you do indeed learn something everyday!

    There are good ones, but some people just don't wanna accept it 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️. You keep living your life however you want and let that be that.

    ($20 you're subconsciously labelling me an asshole as you read this.)
  • 1
    What if it turned out after years that this hero was pedophile or this medical breakthrough would be main cause of cancer after 30 years because no medical drug is tested for 30 years.

    My point was that god or bad is very subjective and can change over time.
    Look at #metoo taking place right now.
  • 0
    @Fast-Nop and yeah I am 33 seen some “friendly” real world communism with my young eyes. Looking at internet communism right now.
  • 2
    The most confusing thing is when you see articles that define a "millenial" in different age groups 😳
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