Cómpletely not dev related but...

Any english geeks?

What is the difference between a few and the few ??
I can't find a difference but my stupid school english teacher is telling there is a diffenence

  • 3
    @Jilano me too xD
  • 7
    Not a native speaker, but, isn't that the difference between determined and undetermined objects?

    Meaning "a XXX" denotes one sample of XXX, without specifications, whereas "the XXX I mentioned before" determines amongst the other XXX the ones that I mentioned before!
  • 2
    @Jilano @EV-EV i think i get it

    @7Raiden seems like it as well
    I am not native too btw
  • 4
    @Jilano That explanation is almost verbatim included in the image
  • 1
    "a few" means any few,

    "the few" means these really specific few
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