Me: "Oh, I see the problem.... Ctrl ^C"

App: "Received interrupt signal. Ignoring."

Me: "That's not how this works. I tell you to quit, and you quit. M'kay pumpkin? ... Ctrl ^C Ctrl ^C Ctrl ^C ....."

App: "Received interrupt signal. Ignoring."
App: "Received interrupt signal. Ignoring."
App: "Received interrupt signal. Ignoring."

Me: "Stubborn piece of crap."

App: "Crash."

  • 8
    It's just a signal that can be handled
  • 6
    @ewpratten yes. You can catch SIGTERM, but SIGKILL will terminate your process, doesn't matter if you decide to handle it or not.
    A different story is when a signal becomes a zombie, you can find information on that online
  • 0
    Me whenever my friends tell me I’m about to do something very stupid
  • 0
    That process friend zoned your SIGTERM
  • 4
    Ahh... The fine, subtle art of signal handling...

    One of the many hidden rules is, to never make your program ignoring SIGTERM. If you catch it, use it to cleanly shut down your program.
  • 2
    @Yamakuzure that should be the single and only reason
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