I'm going to kill myself.
In the nodejs server for my game, there's a function that pushes to an array.
It only works if the array is empty, no matter what type it is.
List of people that know why
- none

  • 0
    I'm intrigued. Can you link to a snippet?
  • 0
    We figured something out
    It's not the first one, its the second one that gets inputed into the array that shows up in the array.

    itemfunctions.addItem = function(itemname, username) {
    User.findOne({username: username}, (err, user) => {
    var users = user;
    var item = itemfunctions.itemInvTemplate;
    var iteminfo = itemfunctions.getItem(itemname);
    item.name = itemname;
    item.durabilty = iteminfo.durability;
    User.findOneAndUpdate({username: username}, users, {upsert:true}, function(err, doc){

    here's where the array is delcared
    inventory: [{name: String, durability: Number, metadata: [String]}]
  • 1
    Fixed it, just used mongodb push instead of js push
  • 3
    syntax error, I believe you mean:

    people_who_know_why = []
  • 2
    On the plus side, at least you'll be able to push yourself once you understand, then fix it and add others as you tell them how absurd this bug was
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