
*offering sweets to a fellow at work

Colleague: Oh I'm a diabetic but What you've got here aaaaaa.....

My Brain:
Don't say it
Don't say it
Don't say it
Don't say it
Don't say it
Don't say it
Don't say it

Me: Oh come-on already One small piece won't kill you

  • 5
    One small piece can kill you - Lil Poison
  • 1
    30 minutes later, the ambulance was called...? ;)
  • 1
    @AlmondSauce nope Nothing happened
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    @FuckedUpGod Boring!
  • 1
    you know those things can kill you
  • 1
    @Jilano "Yeah man he is related to Lil Pimp, Lil Pump, Lil Shit, Lil Brain ya know future rapstar"
  • 0
    If he has insulin on with him he'll be fine :) don't worry that much, diabetics aren't porcelain dolls.
  • 0
    But every piece of carbohydrate *does* kill! Women with early onset diabetes dies on average 18(!) years earlier than the average woman. Eighteen! I think it was 14 years for men.
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    @Sabro sure, try living for a day without any carbs 😁 ketons will make you stink like an open bottle of acetone and eventually you'll pass out before midday. Hopefully not into a coma.
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