When your favorite DJ comes to town but you cannot enjoy him playing live just because you don't have a girl to go with it.

I am done for 2016 already. This is so depressing. Guy J in town.

  • 2
    Yeah, I hate this. I can't watch a movie I want to or go to a concert cause I have no one to do it with...
  • 8
    I used to have the same problem but at some point I just thought 'fuck it' and started going places by myself.
    It can be a little awkward at first, but the freedom you have in deciding when to leave or do anything really is quite good.
  • 3
    @saDammie-Jr @tpalmerstudios It's not that I don't do it alone. I go to movies alone but in my country single boys are not allowed in club as they create chaos and because of them , good guys like me lose out.
  • 1
    @edisonn Man India. Don't think apart from the elite classes, girls are much comfortable pairing here.
  • 0
    @edisonn But that is a good idea you know, but not sure as majority doesn't do clubs , very rarely
  • 0
    @edisonn Best of luck, let me know if I can help. In India the EDM culture has just arrived in the last decade or so. And moreover families are more culturally aware, thus most females do not hang out with strangers. I have seen my co workers hang out with female friends. Actually it isn't safe for females in late night as there are cases of sexual assault too. You can make this as a UBER for night outs but except the Elite, most girls would not risk a late night with a stranger.
  • 0
    @edisonn Yes that design seems worth it but how will you decide the ratings? on previous night outs?
  • 1
    Forget app ideas, forget girls, forget having friends. If you want to go and do so something then just get up and do it. Who knows, you might even make some friends in the process.
  • 1
    @JakeHL Did you read my comment?
  • 0
    Go alone and meet there some girls.
  • 0
    @edisonn nice work. You might have an opportunity here!
  • 1
    I'm not an Indian woman, so take this with a grain of salt, but I wouldn't consider a friend of a Facebook friend to be a total stranger... if we're going somewhere together we'd have our mutual friend to chat about. We might even be each other's wingman
  • 0
    @taja you think single girls will be waiting there?
  • 0
    @fmlfmlfml The idea is worth it. I never said it won't work but things are complicated here than you think. But one thing is for sure that a percentage will definitely accept this idea.
  • 0
    @EpIcInCoGnItO Of course! There are always girls, who came to meet someone :)
  • 0
    @taja they don't even let you enter the disc, how do I meet girls ? lol and that too a late night party
  • 0
    @EpIcInCoGnItO Why they wouldn't let you enter ?
  • 0
    @edisonn this is a great idea, for any country. even if you started it small. like just one city, Chicago would be perfect. then you have a few people test it out in clubs, movie theatres, and restaurants... but you could also do it for groups like 5 people who don't know each other can all say they want to see "Suicide squad" and the app pairs them up. at the end, you can rate the people you were with.
  • 0
    @taja you clearly didn't read the whole thread
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