
Thinking about rebuilding my portfolio website with React. Has anyone else done this? Would it be worth it?

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    Not a portfolio site but it will be as good as any if you want to learn react. I just released a system at work where I wrote the payment portal using preact and typescript talking to a .net core api running on Linux in a docker swarm. So much more enjoyable to create a nice interactive site with p/react and with docker to deploy a multi container solution with so little effort is just ❤️ I’m no Facebook fanboy but they did a great job with react and I feel so much more productive with it. Then came along preact which has tightened it up and reduced the size to a mere 3kb and with bulma providing nice css it all runs perfectly in whatever version of chromium is embedded in an old win forms app. I think it’s v32.something, years old but I dare not update it as I need to support .net 4 and xp still. To cut a long story short I say go for it
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    Check out gatsby. Its perfect for sites like that and made with react
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    I did with VueJS, but when I was done I realized SEO suddenly became a bigger bitch then it normally is. So did a rewrite with just Laravel. Now rewriting it to OctoberCMS.
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    @Codex404 I thought OctoberCMS was dead.
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    @delc82 3 months ago it wasnt, Ill check
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    Any js framework will work if it’s just for a portofolio, use the one you like the most
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