

I have a suggestion for you,

Please set up an Unbound resolver so people does not have to depend on big actors like Google, Cloudflare or quad9.

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    @Linux Just looked it up and it looks great!

    Just to make sure: is this sarcasm or genuine? I've put the idea of a public pihole once which was not received well (for good reasons).

    Also wondering while you're tagging me, you seem like a person who'd love to do that themselves :) (I'd love to do it, no worries)
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    Out of curiosity, why unbound over bind9? I'm running bind9 in my local network for some private DNS zones and haven't had any issues with it. Perhaps that could be opened up to the internet (minus its private zones) but at the end of the day.. why? Sure you're connecting only to a DNS server of someone else and they're the ones relaying it to whatever DNS provider they choose (personally I went with Cloudflare). But is there any real purpose to not communicating directly with them when you don't need private zones to work with?
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    @Haxk20 Yeah but the thing is that I can't prove that I don't log anything and with a pihole thats... yeah...

    With a public DNS server it might be different.
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    I mean it, I know some people that is in desperate need of a stable resolver
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    Unbound supports TLS :)
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    @Linux Fair enough! I just can't find good documentation.... Any resources you know which are good?
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    I want to mention PowerDNS as an alternative to Unbound and Bind9
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    this is good starter, the rest can be found in the manpages.
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    @Linux Awesome, thanks!
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    I have an Ansible role for Unbound that I wrote last week. Let me know if you need it. I did it all neat with templates and stuff.
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