
Do you know if there's a way to get vim to display whatever I just copied, after I copied it, at the bottom of the screen?

  • 1
    I'm sure it's possible, but probably not very straightforward.

    One thing that may get you halfway there is a custom shortcut that executes the command :reg "(not a typo). This basically outputs the contents of the register used by default for yanking(the "-register).

    So something like:

    'nmap <your shortcut> :reg "<CR>'

    This isn't perfect because you always need to press some keys, but it works and it'll print the copied text until you enter the next command.

    And if you always use the same yank command(e.g. yy) you could just add that to the mapping and the shortcut will do both at once.
  • 0
    @deadlyRants yea this is what i have right now, basically, and I'm not happy with it, so I was wondering if there's a better way. Thanks for the suggestion tho
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