
"Position: Java developer
Requirements: Knowledge in C, C++, C#, JavaScript, Python, frameworks like jQuery or Angular (preferable)"

Do you need a Java developer or some kind of development deity?

  • 27
    No knowledge in Java required
  • 14
    Sounds as though the original job poster is led to believe that ‘Java’ is a hip, shortened term for ‘JavaScript.’
  • 6
    Look like copy and paste work without giving in a fuck what is typed. Once i saw a job ads where the job title was for cloud position, job description for accountant and requirements for developer postion. EPIC
  • 3
    @thisDOTdevLoper isn't a job ad for a cloud position a threat?
  • 3
    This sounds like a job advert written by someone who doesn't actually know what a developer is.
  • 1
    You don't understand. You have to aim high to end up hiring a cobol developer who once wrote a script in python... 😅
  • 1
    @AlmondSauce for sure. These things are put together by some HR employee.
  • 2
    @geronimo Oh absolutely, but usually the job description is actually written by someone who understands the employee that they want and passed onto HR...

    Usually. (Or of course, the HR person thought they knew better and shortened Javascript to Java. I've seen that once before.)
  • 2
    the best is shit like "10+ years experience in Vue.js"....... Vue came out in 2014.....
  • 0
    @mjones44 Yeah, there were some requirements like that that I really doubt the framework was invented before that.
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