There is a deal on udemy for black Friday, all courses are 9.99€ in case anyone cares, I know it's really popular among devs.
I got one for unreal engine and one for python machine learning - they are well taught so far.

  • 5
    But they’re always $9.99 😏
  • 0
    @C0D4 Well? Don't leave us hanging
  • 3
    @M1sf3t ok maybe not “always”, but when they have “special prices” every other day, I don’t consider another “special price” actually “special”.
  • 0
    I‘m asking myself if anyone ever paid more than 15$ for any of the courses...
  • 0

    Personally, I'm not interested in institutional education. Self learning guy.

    But my sister paid around 380$ for a offline course.
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