
I have been up for 3 days now, coding. I am dangerously ahead of master.

To late to turn back now.
This fucker is getting pushed.

  • 10
    What what... WHAT did you say? ?

    Force push to master?! Right!
    git force push master
    Enter key: *SLAM*
  • 8

    Sensible. I've tested it a lot, but I'll test it again when I wake up.

    No I won't.

    I'd like to believe I would though.
  • 2
    This sounds like some Haiku or Limerick. You should frame it.
  • 2
    When you wake up I would love to know how your push went.
  • 2
    @MisterArie I have been testing and nursing this for hours now. Trying to make sure I thought of everything.

  • 7
    34 files changed, 1711 insertions(+), 328 deletions(-)

  • 4
    I wouldn't trust neither my code nor my tests after being up for 3 days
  • 5
    so far, so good

    one tiny error, fixed

    I did forget a few things, but they're relatively minor.

    Still waiting for it.... something went horribly wrong, it had to.
  • 1
    @theKarlisK haha
  • 1

    Well, it's just me. So, any of the shit hits the... well it's my fan.
    Doesn't make it ok.

    But it was a new feature that didn't touch any old features, so I took a risk.

    Still not ok.

    But I think I got lucky. Of course 3 months from now... i might discover a bomb
  • 1
    @rant1ng why are you not sleeping yet?
  • 2
    Do keep us updated on how you're push went. (After you've slept of course.)
  • 1
    Still awake!

    There has been no problems, just some tiny things, mostly being perfectionist.

    I'm looking over my code and I have no idea how I wrote all this. It's like some else did it.

    Someone good.

    I'm getting good at this.

    Spoiler alert : tomorrow I wake up to bugs, and a lot of wtfs as I look over everything

    Good night
  • 1
    @rant1ng crazy person, what ya doing
  • 2
    @rant1ng for your own sake, I suggest avoiding sleeplessness and sticking to a regular sleep schedule.
    You might think you can handle it fine now, but your brain will get absolutely wrecked in the long run, and your life will be hell.
    Source: am living through it

    Please take care
  • 2
    @endor what is sleep
  • 1
    @MisterArie something we all disregard far too often :(
  • 0
    @endor yeah, I had a fight with clients went drinking and now its 2 days later
  • 2

    I've been doing it like this for 2 years. And yeah, I have gone through it, there's consequences.

    But when I really have to implement a feature fast, I feel like the only way to get it done is to stay up until it's done, or reasonably close.

    Otherwise, instead of 3 days, it takes 10, and I really hate when that happens.

    But I am actually worried about my health.
    So... yeah, thanks for the warning.
  • 1
  • 1
    not as fast as you
  • 0
    @theKarlisK still drinking vodka and hurting myself more ♡
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