
Senior colleague wants to remove eslint from a project, it keeps giving him errors when his lines are several hundred characters long 😐

  • 6
    Sounds like he's got no idea of maintainability. Are you sure he's senior?
  • 4
    and what are his arguments when eslint is doing what it's supposed to do?
  • 3
    @heyheni *grunts* *grunts* *grunts*

    * not actual grunt js
  • 2
    @ananaszjoe omg he is a clear winner! 😲
  • 6
    @heyheni random incomprehensible grunts from senior > any logical reasoning

    * in a shitty organization
  • 6
    Sounds like it's doing the job it was brought in to do!

    ...unlike the senior developer.
  • 3
    lint away your senior
  • 1
    @ananaszjoe Well he's been doing this for many years... Old habits die hard?
  • 0
    @heyheni I guess he prefers a 100+ character line over one neatly broken up into several lines?
  • 0
    @ananaszjoe aaaaannndd... i gulp at the senior dev that does that... 😨
  • 1
    @heyheni can you lint away the one who hired him though??
  • 6
    * Laugh at his code.
    * Change the linter errors for long lines to say "Really?" Or "A budding novelist, I see."
    * Write him a 500+ word essay on ticker tape expounding the reasons long lines totally suck to read.
    * Refer to him affectionately as "The Rambler."
    * Make him a really wide nametag saying "Hello, my name is: The Rambler; I work in development and I like typing a lot."
    * Buy him a tshirt with the minified source of his favorite library printed on it.
    * Ask him if he finds minified files beautiful.

    He might start to get the picture.
  • 1
    @Root All fantastic suggestions 😁 unfortunately I'm still the new in the office and need to make friends.
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