
Thousands of books, tutorial and tons of resourcew which are to guide us, make us feel more lost.

Being a noobie dev is not easy.

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    I remember back when that was the case for me. My personal suggestion would be to come up with some kind of project you can work on. Mine when I was learning C++ was Pokémon Yellow. I still don't have it finished, but I've learned a bunch while doing it.

    Right now I'm learning web development and my project for myself is basically a nice startpage for when I open my browser. It has a weather forecast for the next five days, a URL bar, and some links I use a lot so far. Still need to add the RSS, rewrite a few things to make the links and stuff dynamic rather than hardcoded links.

    When I started a couple weeks ago, I BARELY knew any web development at all. Some basic HTML/CSS, enough to get by. Since I started I've gotten more in depth with both of them and I've been doing a fair amount of JavaScript with it too. I also learned that while JavaScript is a pain in the ass sometimes, it's not as bad as everyone makes it out to be.

    Find a project. Work on it. Learn in the process.
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    If you have any questions, I'm sure some people here would gladly help if you can't find it on StackOverflow or something. (Hit the character limit last comment)
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    It's only going to get worse. And more awesome 😅
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    @M1sf3t i have did a lot of fcc, don't have any certs tho, and i have done udacity frontend ND, but that was mostly shit. Now doing p1xt guides, they are very famous among the fcc community. Currently doing ydkjs but confused whether should do "think python" book or learn c or c++?
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