
Damn i want to make an Alarm to alert me when Gradle is finished building.

When waiting gradle build i always get mad because sometime i always left it to do something else and then forgot about it and ended up coming back with more wasted time.

  • 1
    cool idea!
    open an issue at gradles github?
    Ask for a www.twilio.com api integration.
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    @heyheni hmm, would it be like a plugin?
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    @wowotek i don't know gradle all to well. But it could be plugin or a setting.
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    @heyheni well, let's see how this rant will be, if everyone need this maybe we can post and issue there.

    Also if this will implemented. I will plug it into my big fukkin' speaker system and alert me AF
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    @wowotek or send you a random funny gif in whatsapp on your phone when your at the coffee break in the caffe.

    "gradle 12:39: hey i'm ready come back i miss you, love gradle! 😉
  • 1
    "<i dunno gradle commands but put here> | cat /dev/random > /dev/audio" should do it? You could also sub some other 8-bit PCM sample for /dev/random, if you don't like random noise, but w/e.
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