
Serious Question/Poll

Imagine a job where instead of a worker, you're a partner. Hold on, I know that sounds markety...

Let's say instead of an employee, you're basically like a free agent. The company has a pool of projects that are approved to develop, and you can pick what project and what team to work on. More than that, you can even choose how much you want to work on it, and get paid accordingly in ownership stake of said project (on top of your base salary)

What if you were encouraged to submit your own ideas about everything, and that feedback is instantly public, before anyone (management) can water it down, take credit, or worse, suppress it entirely.

What if you could work from anywhere, home, not home, middle of the ocean, whatever.

Plus, we give you a budget to buy your own pc/mac whatever. As long as you can code on it, we don't give a shit.

Also, foosball and ping pong, beer, coffee, cool work environment and all that kind of shit too.

Paid training, for even whimsical new technology, in fact, especially so.

Want to do agile, fine, hate it? fine, just find the team and project that does what you want.

What else am I missing?

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    Sounds like exactly what i was seeking before partnering up with my client. Where I now essentially have that except the projects are limited to the one we agreed upon and potentially related ones later. I always dreamt about finding an ambitious rich guy with a sales team who would fund anything I could build.
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    So, basically a SaaS for Versioned Multi-Project & -Team Management?

    also.. 📌
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    @xewl I've pretty much wanted to create this kind of business since I was a kid. What I do is great, but it's singular and limiting. I want to expand it out like this. Just curious to get reactions. I'm still not quite ready to do it yet, probably need a few more years, but eventually...

    It's not an app. :|
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    Sounds like an incubator from silicon valley
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    sounds like a utopia, its horrible
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    I’m down.
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    (screaming) XinYang!! where the fuck are you
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    Sounds like a nightmare to fund.

    Also sounds difficult to maintain, both financially and per-project. Expensive and lots of cowboy coding.

    I've only ever had two jobs that paid reliably, and have been screwed out of pay so many times that I'm extremely reluctant to trust anything with questionable funding.
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    @Root it'll be self funded, I don't believe in finding when I can figure a way around it
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    You mean an open-borders company where the earnings get kicked back to fund more projects and pretty much any developer can come and take a project and tackle it?
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    @Stebner55 something like that yeah
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    It's possible, it would never be easy to set up or maintain and the governance of such a system would also be complicated. I can also see a lot of legal hoops one would have to jump through to set it up.

    It's really a nice idea, if we lived in a world without greed. If you can figure out a way to make it work. I'd be in.
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    @BadFox It's not greed that's the problem, it's what we've come to accept as normal or part of the job, the subtle, systemic application of the ball and chain and the economic realities that we have slowly been forced to accept as a result.

    In other words, people work hard, for less, and that tends to increase if you look at the last 30 years as any indicator.

    But I think there's an entrepreneurial spirit lurking in everyone, and I think I have the structure on which to unleash it, rather than suppress it.

    Since i was kid, I always felt there was something wrong with what we all accept to do for 40-100k / year.

    It's more than just some random idea, it's like my expression of what I think is wrong and how to fix it.

    I think the time is right for something like this to be done successfully by someone. :) We'll see. I'm not going to NOT do it, it's inevitable, only question will be, when, and, will I be smart enough to do it right. It'll take a lot of planning and hard work.
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    So, a coding co-op? I'd be down for sure.
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    @rant1ng the SaaS was how I imagined this to be maintained, otherwise everyone can just say, I did this for that team at that time whilst doing nothing at all. It's the only way I can imagine to get those horse back riders off the system.. because, you're not only dealing with pro and newbie programmers, you're dealing with problem solvers. Hijacking your open system is just a solution to their survival, and I'm pretty sure they'll abuse it to get what they want out of it, or at least try.

    How else would you manage paid hours?
    I like the idea.. but it has challenges that no incubator or work from home company has ever tackled correctly.
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    I can't even hire someone to work for me reliably so IDK how you'd get self-starters who would be able to finish the projects, but hey...more power to you if you want to try. I think you'd have to have a vetting process and only accept people who have a history of building complete software.
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