
"A software Engineer? Why don't you do a real job instead of fixing people's computers?"

- ex gf 2011

"I'm proud you do something you love"

- wife 2016

  • 9
    I wish I a girl in the first place. I'm happy for you. :)
  • 1
    thanks @kpenc , you just have to wait for the right one...or she'll find you ;-)
  • 9
    ... O just came from my rant on dating sims and how I almost killed the girl in the game... I don't think I can comment on this... but congratulations anyway, happy you're happy
  • 2
    Congrats on finding the one 😄
  • 3
    Congrats on the stress ball, have a +1
  • 1
    @RoboRobot I did not see that coming O_o , thanks man!
  • 2
    hope it's not the same person...
  • 2
    @thaon nope nope nope....nooooope
  • 2
    Someone has made some good choices in life!
  • 2
    Your ex gf don't know shit how much that matters. If people like you didn't exist she cold have not had her fancy smartphone to take a lot of selfies and post 'em on facebook.
  • 1
    Yea Devs!!! Awesomeness
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