
What is the difference between a resume and a CV?

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    The primary differences between a resume and a curriculum vitae (CV) are length, what is included, and what each is used for. While both are used in job applications, a resume and a CV are not always interchangeable
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    So one is a list of stuff you know and the other is work experience?
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    About the width of the Atlantic ;)
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    A resume is a highlight of your experience and knowledge whilst CV is the comprehensive version of it.. Take a professor for instance. Their resume may actually be a single page as well which will have the common stuff like highest level of education, awards etc.. But their CV, may contain the history of their education i.e. Bachelors, masters and P.h.D along with the attained GPA, list of all of the awards received, funding (s)he has raised before for his/her different researches, list of researches (s)he has been a part of, conferences/talks (s)he's been to etc.. Academia is where a CV is compulsory if applying for a teaching/research position whilst most industry jobs need only a resume.. Some industry jobs tend to require a CV but these positions tend to focus more on the research side of development.

    PS: resumes have an advisable one page limit; in the U.S at least, whilst CVs have none.. I've seen CVs 5-7 pages long.
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    I don't know. Most places I've seen used the two interchangeably. Also, if I was a HR person I would stop reading after the second page. If you have a CV longer than that chances are the remainder is irrelevant to your application.
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