Just saw this fucking gem on the android sdk website. Nice fucking joke google.

  • 0
    It is fast, if you have the power and ram.
    Worked for me fine on i5 with 8gb ram just fine
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    @mundo03 Same config but I find it extremely slow, like slower than my mom's phone and it's a wiko
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    @chaoticdenim daang, well have not used it in a while. Maybe they 'optimized' for slowness
  • 1
    "Install and run your apps faster than with a physical device"
    Seems legit.
  • 1
    @mundo03 Snapshots and quickboot not available on x86 or x86_64 or ARM (so not at all), emulation is said to be slow for arm images (which are 90% of Android devices, btw) and is unusably so on a quad-core 3200MHz CPU, 16GB RAM (4 channel DDR3-1800), and an AMD R9 380. That's fucking slow for emulation, and we've emulated ARM much faster than "occasionally decides to do something an hour later" on x86. The x86 and x86_64 images are faster but ONLY BOOT IF YOU HAVE INTEL'S HARDWARE VM EXTENSION THING. So, if you're running AMD, you can't do x86 or x86_64 device emulation either, even with AMD's hardware hypervisor enabled.

    I discovered all this shit TODAY just trying to get one fucking APK working.
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