
Woman couldn't reach the login page of her hosting account.

After 15 minutes of debugging she found out that her Internet wasn't turned on.

This shit is the fucking reason why I drink alcohol.

  • 7
    I can't blame you.

    And congratulations on fixing it
  • 31
    Always start with ping, and drink anyway
  • 13
    @Linux A web browser is "the internet" for her so I don't think that would've been the solution 😬
  • 17
    @CoffeeNcode Then I'd be dead after being at work for 15 minutes 😅
  • 3
    Here, have a pint 🍺
  • 4
    Btw. Which dutch beer is your favorite? I mean bulk beer. Microbreweries ftw!
  • 9

    That is a solution, I promise.

    / Soon to be alcoholic too
  • 3
    @pullervo As for general beer, not a Dutch one but Pitt.

    As for special beer: Spicy Roger 😍
  • 8
    @CoffeeNcode lsd, mda, purple haze and what not, too.
  • 2
    @CoffeeNcode maybe! ;D
  • 2
    @linuxxx Nice! Hertog Jan has a special place in my heart
  • 4
    @pullervo Love that one as well! As long as it's not Heineken or bavaria 🤢
  • 3
  • 2
    @CoffeeNcode Yes 😍
  • 3
    @CoffeeNcode Which one?
  • 6
    @CoffeeNcode dishwash water *
  • 4
    This is why I always buy my computers with internet pre-installed.
  • 2
    @Nanos one of those electronical Geiger counters? The ones that have 500 volts across the unit? I'd really like to buy one of those to know what it feels like 😋
    @linuxxx about the dishwasher water called Heineken btw, I reckon that it's more like the brewers' piss disguised as beer 🙃
  • 2
    @CoffeeNcode should be more like refusing to spend money on it to ensure that it doesn't give a lethal shock, lol! To quote ElectroBOOM, I'm what they call a professional dumbass :v
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