
Why is there no feature to save your OS' state across reboots?

Like images or savestates you can load up any time.
Besides the fact dual booting is way more useful this way, you could have huge organized workspaces, leaving your current work open, clicks away.

Even in professional IT this would be a gamechanger.

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    @irene "across reboots".

    I want to do some coding on linux, savestate it, boot windows, do some stuff there, maybe savestate it too, and want to go on where i left off in linux.
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    @irene wtf. I need to check on that. Thanks for telling me :D
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    Pretty sure that both gnome and macOS have this as a feature. Though they only just reopen apps. No state is saved.
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    Maybe you're looking for something like cubes OS, or perhaps a homegrown alternative that allows for GPU passthrough?
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    @bahua i know this kind of feature, windows does this too.
    I wanted something like suspend.
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    Btw i tried to get hibernation to work - this shit needs to be fucken fixed.
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