
One of my favorite aspects of devRant has always been getting to learn more about the awesome people who use it. Beyond just the awesome stories posted by many here, one of my favorite ways to learn about and feel connected to the people here has always been desk/setup reveals. I personally love seeing different kinds of setups from all over the world, knowing that’s what the people here use to do their work and compute in general.

As an experiment, we want to try a few different things to highlight desk/setup/remote coding location posts. First, we’ve created the first devRant Instagram account, which is completely focused on developer desks/setups/workstations/remote coding. Please check it out here and follow: https://www.instagram.com/devdesks/

I want to use the account to bring more attention to the wide assortment of setups the awesome members of the devRant community post from all over the world. We’ll promote cool desk/setup/remote work images that are posted on devRant to the Instagram account for more exposure/additional audience.

Beyond that, I also want to try to come up with a way to better organize all of the desk/setup posts on devRant and encourage more of them. One kind we don’t see that often that I personally really enjoy is people coding with their laptops in locations that show the culture of their country or something special about the region they are from. Personally, I’m going to try to post some of those for where I live and work.

So how can you help with this effort? It’s easy! We encourage people to post their setups/working remotely pics and we will start featuring them on the Instagram account and hopefully elsewhere in the devRant app for some increased visibility/searchabilty over what we have now (since pics are kind of hard to search).

Also, we plan to make the weekly rant this week “post your setup,” so maybe wait until then to post, and you can work now on getting that awesome shot :) I know a lot of people here love photography like I do, so I think that part is fun too.

Please let me know if you have any ideas or questions about this, and I’m looking forward to seeing the desks/setups of many more devRanters in the next few days!

P.S. not a requirement, but one thing I think makes these photos better looking through a lot of them is when there is code visible in some way.

  • 17
    That sounds like a cool idea!
  • 9
    I've always loved these too, both desktop pictures as laptop pictures with some cultural context. I've followed the instagram account, this will be big!
  • 5
    Nice idea! I'm curious for monday :D
  • 3
    Now to work on that perfect pic
  • 3
    https://devrant.com/rants/1530906/... I feel like there’s a chance that this will get taken both ways
  • 5
    Awesome idea @dfox. I see already some pictures on insta. Gonna be very interesting. I would suggest people when they show their desktop to give some info about machine, os and anything interesting about the setup.
  • 2
    Awesome idea!
  • 6
    @Haxk20 Everything you post on devrant is PUBLIC and can be indexed by search engines.

    it's written somewhere in the Devrant Terms that you accepted.

    Don't you think that facebook/instagram/nsa have their own crawlers looking for relevant (public) data?

    It's your choice to post something (making it public) or not.
  • 7
    I think that this week several desk will be cleaned. ;-) due to this
  • 12
    @Meta thanks!

    @devRow thank you!

    @yendenikhil cool idea, some info is definitely good especially when there’s some cool stuff on the pic that might not be apparent just by the photo alone.

    @Haxk20 not sure what you mean. If you don’t want to use Instagram then don’t use Instagram. I’m not sure how this impacts your privacy at all.

    @shelladdicted yeah, we’ll put - and we’ve been posting a daily featured rant on FB every day for well over a year and from the feedback we’ve received most users appreciate their content being promoted elsewhere and linked back to on devRant for more exposure.
  • 10
    @ewpratten I have to clean up my desk too :) I took some pics a few days ago and realized there was all this random stuff visible that made the pic look crappy. Will get something good eventually!
  • 5
    Can we expect this to inspire some new avatar desks and desk items? πŸ˜ƒ
  • 5
    @shellbug absolutely :) I think we’ll get some good ideas from some of the pictures. I love those little things that give various desks/setups more personality and I think we’ll see a lot of that.
  • 5
    @Haxk20 oh, sorry, I should have been more clear. I will edit the original post.

    I’ll be posting the desks from here (during the weekly rant, and after) on the Instagram account, and linking to the original rant/crediting the user who posted it. You do not need to sign up for Instagram or submit there to have it promoted there.

    The Instagram submission/following is more aimed towards devRant users who already use Instagram which I know is a lot of people.
  • 4
    @AlexDeLarge thanks. And same here. Both my desks (home and work) are pretty plain so I’m hoping to get some good inspiration which I usually do from the pics in the past (just have to follow through on the improvements haha). I also tend to use my laptop a lot and also travel with it so I want to try to take some pictures in various places of what my remote coding environments look like.
  • 3
    So great! In a few weeks a new public work environment for devs is gonna be opened in my neighborhood. I'll try to get an awesome pic of that πŸ˜„
  • 3
    It's worth a ride, though I'm not sure if I can take another one like this one
  • 3
    @beleg that’s awesome, exactly what we’re looking for. I will queue it up to be featured.

    Also a great example of how we need a better way to organize these great shots. Since it didn’t have a specific tag I was looking for when doing initial searching for old posts, I missed it.
  • 4
    Just on the right fucking time.
    My flight back to Germany is tomorrow. Finally... I will be able to write some little scripts and (pet my kitten) take pictures of my desk again!
  • 2
    Love this idea, I'm going to clean mine up and take a new picture just for this
  • 1
    Desks are very identifiable. While this sounds like a nice idea, I'd also advice caution. Especially if it's hosted on other sites like Twitter with more visibility than usual.

    Devrant is already search indexed ofc, but there's a much smaller chance that someone you ranted about is actually going to chance across something on a platform they don't use.
  • 4
    @FrodoSwaggins post them all!

    @CodeMonkeyG don’t make it too clean :)

    @hashedram it’s safe to assume that if you post a cool picture on devRant and it gets a good amount of upvotes then it will end up on different platforms across the internet. Desk/setup shots definitely fit into that category.

    As an example, take this image: https://devrant.com/rants/470873/...

    That was original content posted to devRant. I know because it was a friend of mine at work who got the cake for his 30th birthday and decided to post it. Since then it’s been posted all over the internet, including Facebook pages, back to devRant as reposts, Reddit, etc. There’s also companies like Microsoft who repost/credit devRant posts/images on their social media accounts. So as always, if you post a cool image, expect it will end up elsewhere, thats the reality even though not ideal in some cases.
  • 1
    @dfox Time to reactivate my Instagram account 😊
  • 4
    Can't show code, either NDA or crappy legacy shit preventing code reveal πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‡
  • 0
    @sladuled do with lock screen. Need not see what's exactly on desktop.
  • 0
    @yendenikhil I know, it was a suggestion to show code, that's why I commented that.. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  • 1
    Damn, I don't use Instagram :(
  • 3
    This is a great idea ✌🏼
  • 2
    Great idea! Do electronics benches count as well? And does it mean that by tomorrow I need to have my electronics bench all cleaned and riced? This is gonna be a looooong night >_<
  • 6
    A good reason to clean my desk of the beer cans πŸ˜…
  • 0
    @dfox hire me im pro af
  • 1
    I've lost my desk and working on the bed from last 2 weeks.
  • 1
    This is cool!
  • 1
    I like it! Followed!
  • 1
    I just own a shitty laptop(no desk). I just use it in bed. Also no smartphone to take a picture of.

    Bad luck you guys.
  • 4
    Tag placement. ☺️
  • 3
    @Ekushey haha awesome, I love it! Thanks.
  • 0
    πšŒπš˜πš—πšœπš πšŠπš™πš™πš›πš˜πšŸπšŽπš = πšπš›πšžπšŽ;
  • 0
    This is beautiful.
  • 1
    I also greatly enjoy seeing desk setups here. To make them easier to find, why not include a new post category exclusively for Desk Setups?
  • 0
  • 1
    Great idea, I love seeing different dev setups. I’m new here so maybe this has been done, but would also love to see something like this for physical notebooks related to dev work!
  • 0
    Let me puke on it first... oh an install that thing... what is it again ? instagram?
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