"Your opinion won’t matter. It’s important that you prove your point with numbers." - Samantha LeVan

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    But how do we know that the numbers work? 🤔🤔🤔
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    Even if they are not authentic? Barney just flashed in front of my eyes from how I met your mother 😂😂
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    Google "the anchoring effect"
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    "I wrote 1024*1024*36 bytes of code and you say I don't work?"
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    @CoolSonu39 especially then! Most people are lazy, they don't bother fact checking, they just repeat. After all, obeying orders and blindly repeating stuff is what the educational system taught them.
    I mean, why do you think salespeople, crash prophets and gurus still exist in the age of the internet where everyone can just Google their shit, prove them wrong and then avoid them.
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