
Apple vs Orange

  • 2
    this reminded me of annoying orange.
  • 1
    What is this app?
  • 2
    @voreny It's called Allo.
  • 4
    allo released? 😮
  • 1
    @superuser not everywhere, you can get it from apkmirror. people on reddit are turning against it actually, some privacy stuff
  • 0
    This is probably just hardcoded..
  • 1
    @codelis it obviously is...
  • 3
    @enjoythecode the reason I say that is not because it's not obvious, but because I don't find these things impressive. I instead pitty the people who had to spend so much time hardcoding stuff, hoping that someone would actually ask that question, maybe get a laugh out of it and even post it to a social network or two..
  • 0
    @codelis im not impressed either but those guys who hardcode these sometimes write fun things...
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