Fucking Apple locked my email again....
'Oh, we have no idea why this keeps happening'
Assholes... You'd think locking someone's account twice within a week without knowing why would be unacceptable, but they just act like it's business as usual..

Apple used to care about its customers, now what? They think they're too big to care anymore? Why don't you go shove your new icrap up your asshole cook!

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    Have you ordered the new iPhone yet?
  • 1
    Welcome to the pc master race, padawan
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    Oh, I said good bye to Apple a long time ago, the only thing I still use is my iCloud email.. cause it's just my name @me.com which is nice and clean for more professional stuff.. But no longer.. after I get my email tomorrow at this time that unlocks my account I will be sending an email out to any important contacts to let them know that I will no longer be using this email due to Apples general lack of the ability to offer an email service.
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    @fatlard1993 I would advise you against that.. ranting about apple to your friends is one thing, and your business contacts another...
  • 1
    I wasn't necessarily saying I was going to, and really it's just a handful of constant contacts eg:
    some old work colleagues,
    stuff like that.. no one who'd be offended at me saying ~ apples mail service is shit so I'm switching
  • 0
    A friend email account was blocked once by google, aparently she sent to many emails with big attachments after a couple hours it was everything ok, but of course its google so fast so accurate
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