I experienced this before 😑

  • 12
    From the comments:

    In all the places I've worked, leaving on time (not early, when your contract states you can leave) is frowned upon. If you don't do unpaid overtime before work or after work, you're not dedicated enough. Well I say no! Told my current employer I will not work unpaid overtime. I will do extra hours if need be, but they will have to pay me.

    people do not value their time. if you try so hard to get your wage up, then do an extra 20 hours a week unpaid overtime, you have just devalued yourself and might as well work in retail for less stress and same wage.

    I don't understand these people. We are not machines! Value yourself! The managers won't look at you and say "he does a bunch of extra overtime, let's give him a 10k bonus!" No. They'll say good because it makes them look good and it costs them way less so their budget for the year looks good.

    No offset also.
  • 8
    I used to work in an IT Support call center. That sucked. I'm all packed up and ready to go after two hours of overtime when my supervisor stops by and asks me to take a couple more calls. And unless I'm running late for a doctor's appointment or something, I cant say no.

    Left that awful job in September and I'm never going back.
  • 1
    In my (future) company it's quite chilled. You must be in from.9 to 16 (core work, daily meeting and to just ensure everyone is there) and otherwise you should get your time. Some colleagues come in at 7:30 and leave by 16 while others come at 9 and leave at 17:30. Overtime is rare, only if there is a deadline the next day's. As far as I can tell, they have to document their overtime either to get payed or go a bit earlier the other day.
  • 5
    My boss is super chill about that. As long as we get the agreed upon amount of hours in per week he doesn't care how. We could do it all in one go and have time off for the rest of the week if we wanted to 😂
  • 2
    Yea most places are like it. Just want free labour. Tell them you expect to be paid over time. If they don't agree then don't stay
  • 1
    Unpaid overtime has nothing to do with dedication, but with exploitation. No thanks.
  • 0
    @bashleigh some people can't do nothing because they have bills to pay. Also if the pay is good much likely they will not voice out oh well
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    @Elyz that’s sounds a lot like me lol
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    @Devnergy if they've got bills to pay then there's more reason to ask for overtime pay
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    @bashleigh sometimes they think that they might lose their job if they will not extend.
  • 0
    Hoo i finish my job here go night XD
  • 0
    @bashleigh I did not expect my post to get this many likes lol. 81 people experiencing this thing lol. Some developers don't have OT pay.
  • 2
    @Devnergy I don't. That's why I freelance instead ;) can't make me work overtime for free if I have another paying job to do
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