Is it good time to switch to CSS Grid Layout frameworks such as Blueprint CSS? How is good/bad as compared to Flexbox?

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    what i normally do is go with grid in order to reduce a 2-dimension page to a bunch of contexts i can then easily handle and refine with flex

    IMHO they come together, there's no "this XOR that"

    i don't know much about blueprint, but if you take the grid road, don't forget a fallback css for IE and older versions of chrome/FF
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    @thatsnotnice understood, fallback CSS seems a good idea for legacy browser
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    Css grid and flex are really nice and widely supported nowadays. Why use a framework for it?
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    @thatsnotnice why keep supporting IE. Even MS doesnt support it anymore...
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    It's not only about IE, a lot of browsers added support gradually. For full support of grid we're about 85% worldwide now. A missing 15% is still worth the effort IMHO, and the good thing about frameworks is that they come with premade fillers
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