Lesson of the day: If Visual Studio starts acting up (doing inexplicable and illogical shit that literally makes me question life), just delete the .vs folder. In fact, don't delete it. Fucking shred it with a file shredder. Or even better, write it to a CD and burn the CD.

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    @-Tor The problem is that I am working with WPF and I haven't seen any other IDEs with a built in visual xaml editor. And I wish that I could use a different gui framework that is cross platform, but as far as I know, not many are as powerful as WPF.
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    @Krokoklemme That seems very cool, i'll definitely look into it
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    I mean, I usually let .vs get removed (together with bin folders in projects) because it reduces file count.
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    @irene "do you use the visual editor...?" I use it to see what i'm doing without having to rebuild the app every second. I only interact with it when I want to move something or change a control's size. I don't even have the toolbox on my UI, I write everything by hand.
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