looking for a bit of help.

Has anyone a recommended tutorial / introduction to .NET development, TFS and Visual Studio?

And - for later - a good reference for the datatypes / advanced topics / build system?

I'm starting to work on a Windows only DLL plugin and quite frankly - I'm lost.

TFS and Visual Studio is new to me and feels awkward...

And thx to experience I can understand most parts of code but the build system is unknown to me.

And a lot of the data types .NET has ...

Thanks in advance!

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    Really depends on what you want to achieve and what's your problem with TFS.

    TFS can be used as a simple server for a git repo or for the whole CI/CD chain. Start small, use TFS for source control only at the beginning (and please use Git instead of TFVC). You can use the other build tools and services later.

    For the .NET part you should go for the newer .NET Core. It's open source and supports Win/Linux/Mac (except GUI applications).

    The official .net core getting started page has links to some tutorials: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/...
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    Ah sorry.

    I should have mentioned that I'm working on an existing codebase from an customer.

    So.... No choosing, just using :(
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    Mosh has a pretty good online
    course on C# in various depths where he works with visual studio.

    Maybe that fits your needs.
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    Watch a crash course (1h to 2h single video tutorials) and then just think about a simple project and try to implement it If you you have some oop knowledge. This is fastest way to dive into a language. You will search based on your problems that you encounter and Imho, it increases the permanency of knowledge.
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