
  • 6
    At least it's not all in one line.
  • 0
    @kolaente Ah, cancer, I didn't know PHP is called like that nowadays.
  • 2
    @CodeMasterAlex Ah, I see a great profile description, but no signs of PHP.

    Or in other words, when was the last time you wrote a Model generator? No generic/reflection shit! I mean each Model will correspond with an generator method like above.

    Btw we have 2000+ Models
  • 1
    @010001111 I worked with PHP now and then, created some custom prestashop modules for a webshop, optimized some very poorly written sql queries (shame on you prestashop devs!). So I have some PHP experience. But model generation, well, for c# we use t4 templating. Works quite well. And sure I'm used to very large codebases, also including lots of models. I have no clue about your use case but the fact you name it cancer says enough.
  • 1
    Wow lol
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