
We use jira at my company. It's great for me, because no ticketing system's UI is worth a shit, but jira's API is excellent. But we're switching to a new system that is an absolute piece of garbage. Every page is 100% Javascript, so no source can ever be viewed, and the URL never changes to reflect what's onscreen. If you know a ticket number, no URL will ever get you straight to it. You have to navigate multiple slow-loading 25MB piles of Javascript to reach what you're seeking. And most damning of all: the new system has an API, but our highest management is withholding access to it, claiming it breeds laziness.

Is amazing the kind of shit you have to swallow when your management has regular meetings with really really super extremely good-looking sales people.

  • 2
    What system is this?
    And what pricks. Writing some handy tool is a sign of laziness? Fuck them
  • 4

    Servicenow. It eats my ass with hot mustard.
  • 2
    I call laziness efficiency.
  • 5
    What usually helps is when you get less done in the same time and shrug it off to management with "you wanted me to use that inefficient stuff".
  • 1
    Creating your own tool is laziness LMAO....
  • 3

    I wrote a system for automating the thousands of annual disk RMAs our engineering team handles. Management is in love with it, because of the time it saves. They've told us many times that we need to move from JIRA to SNOW, and I've told them that it simply will not be possible without API access. "This is not a refusal to work. It's just not possible to involve the new system without programmatic access to it."

    They say they'll look into it and then they never get back to me until a couple weeks later when they've completely forgotten everything I've said, and say, "why aren't you using the new system!?"
  • 2
    We switched from Assyst to Service Now a couple of years ago. It's an improvement on Assyst but it's so frustrating to use. UI is terrible.
  • 0
    I don't see the value of jira for development, but I think it's well-suited for tracking problems, like RMAs. That said, I agree that ticketing systems in general are terrible, and I have yet in my nineteen year career to find one I like.
  • 0

    Well, mgmt types need to be able to make graphs with them, so they can fap.
  • 1
    Awful slow java script-based websites are growing nowadays.
    With npm and such being so popular this seems to be the future of Web.
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