1. That my code would compile.

2. See #1.

3. See #1.

The girl I'm talking to said her brother was giving her one of those talks about how all boys are gross and want sex. I told her that the one thing I want is for my code to fucking compile

  • 6
    Aren't you exaggerating?

    Will you really choose coding over pleasure?
  • 6
    @cursee coding is pleasure 😃
  • 4
    @irene Both are true, I am not saying that sex isn't pleasure rather it is different kind of pleasure. It doesn't give fulfillment in matter of creativity for me, but rather is like coffee I love it, I need it and feel great, but I can still feel empty with it. Just dfferent category of pleasure 😃
  • 0
    @Omnisus for future reference I have taken few screenshots of your post and comments. 😎
  • 3
    All boys are gross and want sex? I smell projection here...
  • 0
    @cursee No problem man 😃 I code only as hobby and can`t complain at my sex life so it is doubtful that I will change my mind 😃
  • 2
    @Krokoklemme You shouldn't smell the stuff you project during sex... It kind of has a stale dusty smell to it.
  • 3
    Oh now I get why PHP developers are unhappy... Their code never compiles.
  • 2
    Just wanna make it clear that this post was a joke. I do want my code to compile, and sex is also cool. But those are my dev wishes.
  • 3
    @infernalempress OK so you are still up for the devRant orgy?
  • 1
    @bittersweet Fuck yeah bro, how did I not know about this sooner?
  • 1
    You said fucking, you lost the game
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