
Okay. Confession time:
I made a devRant account to "Join the Dark Side". Dark themes are so much better than light themes. They're easier on the eyes (at least for me), they have more aesthetic appeal, and I personally love the color combinations. So I just wanted the dang dark theme. What I got was an addiction to devRant. Well done you sly developers you just hooked another user.

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    Coded 6502/6510 asm on turbo assembler on c64: black screen 👍🏽 coded 68k asm on amiga with asm one grey colored 👍🏽 coded x86 asm on dos with edit blue style 👍🏽 then there was windows all white 💩 i changed all win dev environments to dark colors as far as they could. Everybody "why? Its better white!" And now they use dark theme on vs2013/2015 as if they invented the wheel *assholes*
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