Any of you Internet losers still rockin' a Pebble watch? Cheers from Bulgaria's Black Sea Coast.

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    I almost got one but I went for a Fitbit instead bc a steps tracker was the main thing I wanted.

    But I saw someone here with one last year (as in like December of '17 lol)
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    @intromatt I put "lol" in literally almost every comment.

    It's not really my best habit, but it is what it is 🤷🏻‍♂️
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    @Stuxnet Just fucking with you.

    Inexpensive Bulgarian wines have kicked in.
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    Nice cat 😮
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    Grumpy Cat 😂
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    Ive always wanted one but they have always disallowed support for windows phones
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    @Codex404 Wait do you still use a windows phone?
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    @Stuxnet not anymore sadly enough. Fucking hate iOS and Android.
    I also liked firefoxOS, but Ive got updates pending on that phone but their servers are down for a year now.
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    @Codex404 You need a nap.
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    Still using a Time Steel. Probably stay put with it a while longer although battery starting to degrade
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    @intromatt im taking a nap now, but why do you think I need a nap?
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    @intromatt omg reddit?

    I have trouble understanding you
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    I broke mine a year ago. No more support.... Screen is screwed and i think water came inside...
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    @Codex404 Of course you do. Just move on.
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    @lumy Pebble was advertised as being waterproof. It was not.
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    @intromatt when the screen cracked it wasn't anymore. But it was before, at least under shower!
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    @lumy Yep. Love my Pebble. I would not even wear it when it was raining.
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    I wish they created more pebbles, the eink display looks so damn good
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    I need to drunkpost here more often. Love you all.

    Seriously though, if you can find a Pebble...buy one...
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    @intromatt ah, that makes sense, I was so confused yesterday
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    We almost got robbed in Bulgaria. The crazy part is that it was in the middle of the day with lots of people walking by.

    People warned us the place is dangerous, but we didn't belive it until a bunch of young teenagers surrounding us pretending to be costal security guards, and wanted us to follow them in an unknown area.

    Luckily I showed some resistance so the decided to let us go.

    Still an uncomfortable journey, and god knows what could happen.

    Possible stealing our money, stabbing us with knife you name it.

    Never visiting Bulgaria.
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    @intromatt what "huh", are you legally blind?
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    @colaguy I need glasses yes, but not legally blind.

    However. WTF means literally "what the fuck" and your story is literally horseshit. This isn't r/thathappened on Reddit.
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