I used to play starcraft over 64k modem, now I need gigs of RAM just to open a fucking web page.

  • 1
    Can confirm. From 9-5 chrome is hogging at least 2gb
  • 2
    Not to mention lots of data to load these template/framework produced sites that present content with 15MB of javascript that takes 15KB with HTML.
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    Websites designed in 21st century also show more pixels than SC
  • 2
    Also, you had a 64K modem? I wasn't aware such a thing ever existed. The fastest dialup I ever saw was 56K. Anything faster than that was ISDN, DSL, cable, or digital.
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    @bahua few seconds of googling say that there indeed were 64k modems... but they were not very popular and most people probably never heard of them
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    @bahua my bad, it was a long time ago. 56k
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    @Fjord show, not transmit, except for media.
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    @Fjord Starceaft wasn't a streaming video; resolution isn't even related to network performance. Nor, in fact, does webpage render size have anything to do with transmit weight. Your point doesn't make any sense.

    More interestingly: StarCraft's multiplayer simply transmitted keystrokes and mouseclicks to other players; the client used these to replay other players' actions locally. Another upside: the entire game was replayable this way for serverside cheat detection.
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    The post was comparing modern traffics vs ram usage...Just following the logic
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    @Fjord yes, and if you think about it, there's a strong connection
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    So? Hardware got better as well
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